The Fashionista Guide To Luxury Interior Design

A true luxury interior design does not refer to fancy chairs or designer logos. It means designing a place to make it look and feel special, warm, and as per one’s preferences. A luxurious interior is more than just expressing the owner’s personality and lifestyle. It is hidden in the details. Another important component is customization since people want something with no similar counterpart elsewhere. From the fanciest couch designed separately for an individual to the varied personalities that art possesses, personalization gives luxury the exclusivity it deserves.

Fashion lovers consider it an exciting challenge to incorporate their taste in fashion into their home design. They love to take fashion from the catwalks into their houses and mix the latest trends with classics.

This guide will show you how to add a touch of glamorous fashion to your home and make it stand out.

Add Beauty in Every Part of Your Home

There has always been an interconnection between beauty and interior design, as the two share many similarities. The textures, colors, and patterns on the models find their way into their homes. For fashionistas, this connection is a way to show appreciation for style in everything in life.

More importantly, every part of your home allows you to exhibit your love for luxury and fashion. To make the entire home look stunning, here’s how you can bring a touch of high-end style to every corner.

The Living Room

The living room is one of the most important parts of every house, as it is where guests are received and families spend time together. To achieve this kind of design in the living room, having quality furniture is always the best place to begin. By changing the sofa into a luxurious fabric and styling it with a glass coffee table with metallic edges can dramatically transform the look. Add a touch with a set of the most colorful and textured cushions.

Additional lamps, such as floor lamps, table lamps, and ceiling lamps, should be used to increase luminosity and create a welcoming feeling. Select lamps according to your preference. It can be a bright chandelier or two sleek sconces.

The Bedrooms

Bedrooms should be a comfort zone or personal space where one can relax and release tension. Among the luxury interior design trends, the bed occupies the sweetest spot. To make bedclothes, it is recommended to use high-quality materials such as cotton or silk. For instance, tufting on a headboard in luxurious velvet adds not only comfort but also modern stylistic features.

Add other aspects, such as a decor mirror, an eye-catching bench at the end of the bed, and beautiful nightstands. Be sure to add lamps next to the beds and other low-intensity ceiling lights for optimal lighting.

The Staircase

The staircase is another part of the house that occupants neglect, but it is a perfect spot to express creativity. Staircases are generally an important feature of any home, and when installed with a quality chandelier, the best of these two can be breathtaking.

Ideally, when shopping for stunning staircase chandeliers, they should be proportionate to the staircases and the surrounding area. Large, lavish chandeliers may look dramatic, while a petite and elegant one can be considered refined. The chandelier should also complement the staircase’s architecture and produce warm, inviting light that brings out the details of the work.

A chandelier can become a necessity and the accent of the room near the stairs. Select a chandelier that will fit into the general theme of your home. For a modern home design, choose a chandelier with geometric forms and metal materials. Placing crystal chandeliers is ideal for more conventional homes because they can bring a touch of traditional grace.

The Washrooms

A luxury bathroom may be defined as one designed to be fully functional but also displays a sense of unique style. When choosing faucets, start with a high-end towel rail like a freestanding bathtub or a rainfall showerhead and go with modern-style faucets. Mirrors enhance the look, while lighting is done by using marble or stones on the surfaces.

That includes installing shelves with a fashionable design or a vanity wardrobe for storage with shiny handles and metal buttons of either gold or brass. It is also useful to include a stunning light fixture.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is referred to as the heart of the home, and luxury kitchen design should combine aesthetics with functionality. Some of the appliances that are musts in a luxurious kitchen include a professional-standard stove, a built-in refrigerator, and a wine cooler. A duplicate of granite and polished worktops, built-in cupboards, and a beautiful backsplash may also complete the refinement.

Don’t forget that luxury custom hardware, an assertive light fitting, and a carefully selected range of pots and pans will contribute to the decoration. You may want to include a seating area like a dining island for comfortable modern dining.

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Exploring Design Inspirations

The Art of Visual Storytelling: An In-depth Look at Contemporary Design Trends